Origami Risk TV - Videos On Claims
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/OrigamiTV/Video/UnderReservedNotification?frame=EmbeddedNotifications For Under Reserved Claims
This video shows how Origami notifies you when making payments without sufficient reserves, and how easy it is to appropriately adjust those reserves.
/OrigamiTV/Video/ClaimsOverview?frame=EmbeddedOverview of Claims in Origami Risk
This video gives a brief overview of the claims module in Origami Risk.
/OrigamiTV/Video/DetailCodes?frame=EmbeddedParent/Child Codes
This video gives an overview of codes with parent child relationships, such as Cause and Detail Cause, and how they work in Origami Risk.
/OrigamiTV/Video/PDFMailMerge?frame=EmbeddedPDF Mail Merge
This video shows how you can product PDF mail merge forms like the OSHA 301 and edit the form prior to saving and attaching to the claim
/OrigamiTV/Video/DuplicateClaims?frame=EmbeddedReal Time Duplicate Claim Checking
This video shows how Origami saves you time by checking for potential duplicate claims in real time as you type.
/OrigamiTV/Video/ReserveWorksheet?frame=EmbeddedReserve Worksheets
This video shows how flexible reserve worksheets can simplify setting and maintaining reserves.
/OrigamiTV/Video/RoundRobin?frame=EmbeddedRound Robin Assignments
This video shows how to create round robin assignments to automatically assign items to users based on caseload. For example you could assign claims to adjusters or inspections to inspectors based on existing caseload.
/OrigamiTV/Video/AdvancedSearch?frame=EmbeddedSearching for Claims
This tutorial shows how to find a claim in Origami Risk. It covers simple searchs and the powerful advanced search capabilities of the claim module.
/OrigamiTV/Video/RecordCount?frame=EmbeddedShowing Total Record Count in Advanced Search
This tutorial shows how to show the total record count from an Advanced Search and how to save it as a view.
/OrigamiTV/Video/Sketch?frame=EmbeddedSketch Elements in Claim and other Forms
This video shows how to add a sketch to a claim to diagram an auto accident
/OrigamiTV/Video/FROI?frame=EmbeddedSubmitting First Reports of Injury
This video shows how to submit First Reports of Injury electronically to the various states that require EDI transmissions.
/OrigamiTV/Video/ClaimComparison?frame=EmbeddedThe Claim Comparison Report
The claim comparison report compares a single claim to similar claims, with results in a scatter graph. This tutorial will go over that report in detail.
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