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Origami Risk is the most innovative and easiest to use Risk Management Information System (RMIS) in the industry. With the release of our new video driven destination for Origami Risk training content, we raise the bar again.
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This video shows how to create custom multi-measure chart widgets for your dashboard (July 2021 Release)

This video shows how to create custom grid widgets for your dashboard (July 2021 Release)

This video shows how to select the right data source for custom widgets (July 2021 Release)

This video shows how to create custom chart widgets for your dashboard (July 2021 Release)

This video shows how to add an existing widget to a dashboard (July 2021 Release)

This tutorial shows how to add interactive options based on a domain to dashboards for interactive filters using saved views. (November 2019 Release)

This video shows how to create custom "peek" views that popup information on a record without clicking on the record link.

This video shows how to use Random Record Selectors to drive audits, inspections or random drug screenings.

This video shows how to take a custom widgets made with the new widget builder and create a reusable copy for others to use. (November 2019 Release)

This video shows how to create custom chart widgets using the new widget builder