Origami Risk TV - Videos On Locations
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/OrigamiTV/Video/AbstractsClaim, Location and Policy Abstracts
This video shows how to print a Claim, Location or Policy Abstract including bulk printing of multiple abstracts.
/OrigamiTV/Video/CostAllocationCost of Risk Analysis
This video demonstrates Origami Cost of Risk Allocation functionality, including risk analysis and cost allocation.
/OrigamiTV/Video/LocationHierarchyCreating A New Location Hierarchy
This tutorial goes over the concept of a location hierarchy and covers how to set up the folder organization, and assign locations to those folders.
/OrigamiTV/Video/SafetyAuditCreating Safety Audits
This video describes how to create and distribute custom safety audits.
/OrigamiTV/Video/FindingLocationsFinding Locations
This video shows the many ways to easily find the location you need.
/OrigamiTV/Video/OSHALogsGenerating OSHA Logs
This video shows how to generate and schedule the OSHA 300 and 300a logs in Excel format.
/OrigamiTV/Video/LocationImportImporting Locations
This tutorial shows how to import locations and location hierarchies from an Excel spreadsheet
/OrigamiTV/Video/GISMapsIntegrating GIS Maps
This tutorial goes over the concept of a GIS (Geographical Information System) Map and how to integrate them into Origami with Origami data layers.
/OrigamiTV/Video/LocationComparisonLocation Comparison Reports
This video shows location comparison reports from within the location page.
/OrigamiTV/Video/LocationFoldersLocation Folders
This video explains location folders and shows how Origami provides key analytics at the folder level.
/OrigamiTV/Video/MailMergeHeaderFooterMail Merge Headers and Footers
This video shows how to use Word Headers and Footers to create Header/Footer templates to use with Mail Merge Templates. (August 2019 Release)
/OrigamiTV/Video/MailMergeMail Merge Origami Risk
This video gives a brief overview of creating Word Mail Merge letters for Origami Risk.
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