Origami Risk TV - Videos On Claims
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/OrigamiTV/Video/EmployeeTrainingEmployee Trainings and Certifications
This video gives an overview of tracking Employee training and certifications and shows how this can tie back to Workers Compensation claim history.
/OrigamiTV/Video/IncidentEntryEntering Incidents
This video gives an overview of entering multiple incidents into Origami.
/OrigamiTV/Video/UnderReservedFinding Under Reserved Claims
This video shows how to quickly find under reserved claims in Origami
/OrigamiTV/Video/HideBucketHiding Financial Categories
This short video shows you how to hide financial categories that are not in use on the claims screen.
/OrigamiTV/Video/ODGIntegrated ODG Guidelines
This video shows how Origami integrates with ODG Guidelines to provide key return to work metrics to improve outcomes.
/OrigamiTV/Video/CheckLineItemsLine Item Payments in Checks
This video shows how to add detail line item payments to checks.
/OrigamiTV/Video/MailMergeHeaderFooterMail Merge Headers and Footers
This video shows how to use Word Headers and Footers to create Header/Footer templates to use with Mail Merge Templates. (August 2019 Release)
/OrigamiTV/Video/MailMergeMail Merge Origami Risk
This video gives a brief overview of creating Word Mail Merge letters for Origami Risk.
/OrigamiTV/Video/MailMergeReportsMail Merge Reports
This video shows how to add reports as a mail merge across multiple records.
/OrigamiTV/Video/CMS111Managing CMS 111 Reporting
This video shows how to manage and automate CMS 111 Reporting with Origami Risk.
/OrigamiTV/Video/ManageOSHAManaging OSHA Data
This video shows how to set up users to manage OSHA data without having claim edit access.
/OrigamiTV/Video/LostTimeManaging OSHA Lost Time Alerts
This video shows how to track open ended lost time periods and set up events to help you monitor key thresholds.
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