Origami Risk TV - Videos On Dashboard
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/OrigamiTV/Video/AddWidgetToDashboardAdd Widget to Dashboard
This video shows how to add an existing widget to a dashboard (July 2021 Release)
/OrigamiTV/Video/AdvancedAnalyticsAdvanced Analytics
This video provides an overview of advanced analytics across dashboards, reports and advanced queries.
/OrigamiTV/Video/CreateChartWidget2Custom Chart Widgets
This video shows how to create custom chart widgets for your dashboard (July 2021 Release)
/OrigamiTV/Video/CreateChartWidgetCustom Chart Widgets
This video shows how to create custom chart widgets using the new widget builder
/OrigamiTV/Video/MultiMeasureChartWidgetCustom Chart Widgets with Multiple Measures
This video shows how to create custom multi-measure chart widgets for your dashboard (July 2021 Release)
/OrigamiTV/Video/GaugeMetricWidgetsCustom Gauge and Metric Widgets
This video shows how to create custom gauge and metric widgets using the new widget builder. (November 2019 Release)
/OrigamiTV/Video/CreateGridWidget2Custom Grid Widgets
This video shows how to create custom grid widgets for your dashboard (July 2021 Release)
/OrigamiTV/Video/CreateGridWidgetCustom Grid Widgets
This video shows how to create custom grid widgets using the new widget builder
/OrigamiTV/Video/DashboardBasicsDashboard Basics
This video describes the home page dashboard and how to set it up for just the information you need.
/OrigamiTV/Video/KPICardDashboard KPI Cards
This video shows how to add custom KPI cards to dashboard (July 2021 Release).
/OrigamiTV/Video/KPIPanelsDashboard KPI Panels
This video shows how to add custom KPI cards to a KPI Panel on a dashboard.
/OrigamiTV/Video/FrequencyImpactDashboard Widgets: Frequency Impact
This video describes the Frequency Impact widget, which visualizes the impact of a completed finding at a specific location.
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